The AI Recruiter

that hires talents with passion for your team

Profind is not only a job board, it is where AI recruiters actively promote your company and positions to help them understand and apply with passion.

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Step into the age of AI

Finding the best talents
require more than a job post

Talents can make or break a team, and top talents are rare. A simple job post is simply not enough nowadays, they need to . . .

Believe in the mission

Companies with highly engaged teams show a 21% greater profitability

Fit culturally

Organizations that prioritize cultural fit during the hiring process experience a 20% lower turnover rate

Feel connected

83% of employees would be willing to earn less money in a different job if it meant loving work more

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Set your company up with a
24 / 7 AI Recruiter

Profind uses generative AI to help your company build human-level connections with top potential candidates

Before : Traditional approach
  • Rely on expensive recruiters or manual career fairs
  • Can't handle large number of enquiries
  • Lack of data : cannot provide personalised responses
  • In-house recruiters take months to train
Now : Next generation AI recruitment
  • 24 / 7 available AI ambassador that responds to all enquiries instantly
  • Build human-level connections with candidates, partners and potential clients
  • Reviewable data analytics
  • Free up time for your team members to work on higher value tasks
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AI Features for next-gen recruitment

Simple job boards are out-dated, stand out from competitors and in front of candidates with next-gen AI tools

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AI Company ambassador

Dedicated AI ambassador that represents your company, recommends positions,  responds to enquiries 24/7

AI Job recommendations

Match jobs with candidates intelligently in a human-like chat experience

data analytics

View data analytics and interaction histories of the AI ambassador to help you plan strategic business decisions

Strong & youthful employer branding

Be an innovator in your industry and a step ahead of your competitors to adopt AI into your operations

Capybara mascot on crane image
Be Profound now.
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